Start date: 19-04-2010
Finish date: 13-01-2013

The Day Zero List

1001 days - 33 months -143 weeks - 2 years / 8 months / 26 days
When an item is complete, I will bold the item and put the completion date and a link to the blog entry that discusses it.
When an item is in progress, the item will be in italic.

 Day zero project goals:
1.    Buy a piggy bank - 19/04/10 - blog 
2.    Donate $3 for every completed goal into my piggy bank (16/101).
3.    Spend the money from my piggy bank at the end of the project on something fun to do with Neil.
4.    Donate $5 for every uncompleted goal to the Make A Wish foundation.
5.    Blog my progress of this project and include photos of at least 50 goals (7/50).
6.    Print out this list and hang it up somewhere in the house - 19/04/10 - blog
7.    Inspire at least 3 other people to do this project as well (1/3).
8.    Make a new 101 list one month before this one expires.

Personal (development) Goals:
9.    Write down 10 things I like about myself and hang it on my mirror.
10.  Write down 10 things I don’t like about myself and change them - 18/08/10 - Blog
11.  Get to my goal weight.
12.  Have one day every month where I don’t complain about anything (4/33).
13.  Turn my mobile off for a whole weekend.
14.  Have a “chocolate-free” month.
15.  Learn to eat/drink 5 new things (0/5).
16.  Learn to identify 10 different types of wild Australian plants / flowers (0/10).
17.  Clean my wardrobe once a month (3/33).
18.  For every new item of clothing bought, throw an old one out.

19.  Read the bible (allowed to be a children’s version).
20.  Make a list of 25 things that make me happy - 24/08/10 - Blog

21.  ***private***
22.  Order a salad when going out for dinner 5x (0/5).
23.  Don’t watch television for a whole week.
24.  Go to bed at 10pm for one month and get a minimal of 8.5 hours sleep every night.
25.  Send my grandparents a card every month (3/33)
26.  For one month write one thing every day that I am proud of.

Active Goals:
27.  Go to the gym 5 times a week at 6am for 1 month.
28.  Complete a 12km run at the City to Surf.
29.  Try a Zumba class - 27/05/10 - Blog

30.  Complete another Bootcamp.
31.  Try 5 new fitness classes (1/5).

Fun Goals:
32.  Make a perpetual photo wall calendar for in the study:  PhotoJoJo
33.  Learn basic Spanish
34.  Meet up with someone I haven’t seen for more than 2 years - 07/05/10 - Blog 
35.  Photograph a landscape from the same location capturing all 4 seasons (0/4).
36.  Win a competition.
37.  Organise a high tea at home for friends.
38.  Read at least 2 books a month (4/33).
39.  Ask 5 people what their favourite book is and read that (0/5).
40.  Complete 2 1500 piece puzzles (0/2)
41.  Watch the complete Lord of the Rings DVD set in 1 day.
42.  Write a letter to my 35 year old self.
43.  Buy a sexy lingerie set.
44.  Watch 26 movies with titles starting with a different letter from the alphabet (8/26).
45.  Try Ben & Jerry ice cream.
46.  Drink 25 different types of tea (9/25).
47.  Organise a Theme Party.

Cooking Goals:
48.  Do an 8-week cooking course with Mandy.
49.  Write all my favourite recipes in my recipe book.
50.  Bake a good version of my Grandmothers apple pie.
51.  Try new recipes every night for a week and take a photo of the end result.
52.  Give a dinner party.

Romantic Goals:
53.  Spend one whole day watching TV series together with Neil.
54.  Do a random, fun activity together once a month (4/33)

55.  Give Neil unexpected presents 5 times (0/5).
56.  Have a romantic dinner at home once a month (4/33).
57.  Watch the sunset together - 28/08/10 - Blog
58.  Watch the sunrise together.
59.  Write a list of things I love about Neil and give that to him - 29/08/10 - Blog

60.  Write a little message to Neil and leave it for him at home once a month (3/33).
61.  Go on a romantic weekend away - 27/08/10 - Blog
62.  Do a massage course together.
63.  Watch a Star Wars movie with Neil without falling asleep.

Professional (development) Goals:
64.  Get a volunteer job.
65.  Complete a First Aid Course.
66.  Get a job in the Youth Service / Youth Worker field - 27/08/10 - Blog
67.  Educate myself on the Indigenous culture.
68.  Write 5 short stories (0/5).
69.  Learn basic Auslang.

For others:
70.  Give 10 things to people that need it more than me (0/10).
71.  Give old stuff to Good Sammie’s - 8/6/10 - Blog
72.  Teach someone else something.
73.  Give blood.
74.  Buy The Big Issue 10x (0/10).
75.  Send a handwritten card once a month to a friend or relative (4/33).
76.  Send a handwritten letter to a friend who is in a difficult time.
77.  Help Mandy with organising her wedding (including Hen’s).
78.  Do something nice for someone else, pay it forward.

Adventurous / Travel Goals:
79.  Do a bungee jump in New Zealand.
80.  Travel to 5 countries I’ve never been before (0/5).
81.  Keep a travel journal when travelling.
82.  Overcome my fear of heights.

83.  Buy and complete Wreck This Journal (

84.  Sign up at and release 5 books into the wild (0/5)
85.  Complete 25 tasks from - 09/07/10 - Blog
86.  Earn 500.000 grains of rice on (50.000/500.000)
87.  Participate in the “26 things” photography challenge from (0/26)

Other Goals:
88.  Find out what my Blood group is.
89.  Say yes to everything for one day.
90.  For one week don’t text at all but call instead.
91.  Go to the cinema without knowing what movies are showing and go to a random movie - 10/6/10 - Blog
92.  Keep my houseplants alive.
93.  Learn a new song on the guitar.
94.  Become a vegetarian for a week.
95.  Sort out all my stuff in the Study, spare bedroom and cupboard in the garage (1/3)

96.  Have someone else suggest a goal and replace this one.
97.  Go to the theatre and see a musical.
98.  Start a new family tradition.
99.  Call one family member a day for a week.
100. Go without take away coffee for a month - 19/6/10 - Blog
101. Officially become an organ donor - 13/6/10 - Blog